Adding a Bit of Structure to Unstructured Days | Label Circus

Adding a Bit of Structure to Unstructured Days

personalized mermaid chore chartWe’ve all had those days that we just want to let go, and chill and not make a big deal over a little extra screen time, sugary candy or messy rooms. Just a few weeks ago we were adjusting to the idea of staying home and transferring everyday life to a new virtual reality: grocery shopping, school, homework, work, conferences ...even birthday parties. Some of us are still working on that, and that is completely okay! I believe we can all agree on the fact that we are working harder than ever: kids, home, school, homework, meals, bills, you name it.

Now, after we’ve realized that most weekdays are getting a structure by default (school time, homework, work, etc)  it might be a good idea to identify those daily patterns and try to create a little schedule for everyone’s peace of mind. Most likely this schedule is already there but you just need to sit down and put it in writing.
There’s no point in adding stress to the writing process as we are all doing the best we can. Even the kids are doing the best they can. Let’s cut them some slack, listen to what they have to say, and ultimately help them structure their days. Believe it or not, they too need the sense of security that knowing what to do and what to expect provides. For all the reasons above, we thought starting off with a chore chart would be a great way to test the waters. Are you up for it? Let’s get started!
Write down the simplest and most doable tasks your child can handle independently. You can draw a simple chart or download ours here or check our personalized dry erase chore charts with marker included  Talk to your child about the importance of this chart and how implementing it could help everyone in the family. Not having to remind him 7 times to “go brush his teeth”  would be a big plus. Remember you can always adjust the chores weekly until you reach the expected results. You can also use a chore chart for teens: setting phone limits and being able to make your teenager accountable is king.
Plan your family’s meals. Display your plan in a place where everyone in the family can see it. Work with your family so everyone can have a favorite dish included in the weekly menu. Make them feel important and special by explaining how everyone will have their suggestion on the dinner table at some point.
Set up a weekly day for movie night, game night or even for reading a book out loud. Your kids will appreciate it and look forward to it. Set specific times so it doesn’t become a burden (did you hear me, Monopoly?) :)
If necessary, agree on a time to block all devices. In my home, the Apple Family Sharing in my iPhone’s settings has worked great. For more information about this mom hack click here If you don’t have an Apple device I am sure there are a few apps for Androids that do the job.

Again, don’t have a doubt in your mind that you are doing a great job! Very soon the current situation will be in history books and we will proudly share with others how we survived cleaning, cooking, homeschooling, working, and being moms. I promise you a little organization, a few clicks and meeting ID numbers, and some breathing in and breathing out will do the trick!

These are just a few ideas to structure the -I did not see you coming- quarantine days with children. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best of luck...and don't forget to let me know how these worked.       

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