5 Steps to a Stress-Free Easter Morning | Label Circus

5 Steps to a Stress-Free Easter Morning

“Here comes Peter Cottontail

Hoppin' down the bunny trail

Hippity hoppin', Easter's on its way”

As a mom, you know there’s a lot more that goes into Easter morning that Peter Cottontail coming down the bunny trail.

Let’s be honest. If you don’t plan well for Easter morning, it can be a bit stressful.

Trying to get out the door in your Easter best and wrangle your kids into starched clothes WITHOUT getting stains on them can feel like a herculean task all on its’ own.

But you and I both know that’s not all you have to do! You want to enjoy Easter baskets with them and create a memorable Easter morning.

The good news is you totally can create a special Easter morning for them without creating a stressful day for yourself.

Follow our 5 easy steps to have a memorable Easter morning!

1)Fill their baskets the week before Easter not the night before.

Not only will this give you more time to think through their baskets, but it will keep you from staying up late the night before. You will have enough other things to do! Believe me.

2) Lay out everyone’s clothes the night before!

Not just the kid’s clothes! Everyone in the house should have their clothes laid out the night before. This gives you a chance to make sure everything is ironed and no one is missing that one thing that will derail you last minute. Don’t forget to lay out shoes, socks, ties, and bows!

If you have a family member who tends to go through several outfits before they land on the right one, have them go ahead and try their outfit on Saturday night. ;)

3) Pick a simple but special Easter breakfast that is easy on you but really fun for the kids!

I recommend grabbing some already cut fruit at the store, hard boiling eggs the night before, and making these simple Breakfast Bunny Rolls that use pre-made dough!

4) Set the  table the night before!

You can make an Easter themed table really quickly once your kiddos go to bed. Throw a light table cloth on your table. Grab a stuffed animal bunny and place it in a basket with green crinkle paper to look like grass.

Next layout the tray for your bunny rolls and set the table. Use these adorable thematic Easter plates to pull everything together.

5) Put your cellphone up Easter morning!

Be there. Be present for your kiddos, so you both can remember this morning together. Not being distracted by texts and social media, will help minimize stress as well!

Annnd that’s it! Those five things will help you have a memorable stress-free Easter!

Happy Easter, friends!

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